Using Complex Texts to Address Unfinished Learning

August 20, 2021
Using Complex Texts to Address Unfinished Learning

Hi Literacy Lovers,

Happy new year! We head into SY 2021-22 with lots of new buzzwords swarming around us: 

  • Addressing unfinished learning

  • Learning gaps 

  • Acceleration

Using complex texts to address unfinished instruction is critical to students’ success! To help understand this a bit more, we’ve linked several resources below. Click to listen, read, and consider this idea. And, enjoy a free printable from Glued to My Crafts teacher blog and a bonus podcast episode to share with your students and families!  

Listen to this

Listen to our podcast with Dr. Quintin Bostic, and use this tool to consider (and reconsider) text complexity. Print the tool to use the note catcher to unpack a text today! It starts with knowing your students and knowing yourself. Let us know how you used this tool! And, be sure to reach to Dr. Q and let him know, too! 

Read this

How will complex texts support students who may have gaps in learning? Read this to deepen your understanding about the opportunities complex texts bring to students. If you use high quality instructional materials like Wit & Wisdom ELA, then these steps will be a concrete guide. If you’re still waiting for your school or district to adopt HQIM, check this out. It explains the use of just-in-time support, or scaffolds, for students, a thoughtful way to anticipate what students need. 

Consider this

Learning is risky business. Trying means going out on a limb and risking possible failure. You might be wondering… what’s the neuroscience behind productive struggle? We didn’t know we needed the answer to this question until we stumbled across this Edutopia piece. Read this article twice - the first time, notice and wonder about productive struggle. The second time, consider productive struggle with complex texts. 

Share this (with your students and families)

But Why? A Podcast for Kids. Each episode answers a question that kids submit - this episode is titled: What if you’re scared to start school? Kids ask questions like: If I’m terrified about starting school, do I have to go? What should I do if I’m scared? What if kids are mean to me? 

Print this

A free welcome back to school owl printable is the perfect way to welcome your students back to school and into your classroom!


Thanks for reading, Literacy Lovers! 


Melissa & Lori 

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