Melissa & Lori's Summer Book Club

Read The Knowledge Gap by Natalie Wexler with us to build knowledge on knowledge

Join us and our group of teacher friends for a summer book club. We’re excited to be reading Natalie Wexler’s The Knowledge Gap. We’ll be hosting a virtual conversation and a Q&A session with Natalie herself.

“The more knowledge a child starts with, the more likely she is to acquire yet more knowledge. She’ll read more and understand and retain information better, because knowledge, like Velcro, stick best to other related knowledge.”
—Natalie Wexler, The Knowledge Gap

Register by June 18 to receive the invite for the kickoff meeting and Q&A session, and make sure to join our Facebook group to be part of an ongoing discussion of the book.

Be sure to sign up with an email you can access during the summer!

Important dates to remember:

  • Register by filling out the form by June 18
  • Kickoff meeting June 22 at noon EST
  • Q&A discussion with Natalie Wexler July 26 at noon EST

Take part in online discussions and follow along as we read chapters each week by joining our Facebook group. 

Register for free to join our Summer Book Club