How can fluency instruction and practice improve student reading growth in months?

Mar 18, 2022 12:47:00 PM

Hi Literacy Lovers,

Lorraine Griffith and Lindsay Kemeny

In our recent podcast episode, Episode 98: Improving Student Reading Growth in Months with Fluency Instruction and Practice, we talk with Lorraine Griffith and Lindsay Kemeny about the impact of fluency instruction in their classrooms. How can we execute fluency instruction in real time? What materials or resources should we use? What if my students need practice with phonics, too? They share practical strategies, resources, and recommendations for fluency instruction. We’re so glad you’re here to learn with us. 

Learn More

If you’re like us, you’re always trying to do two (or more) things at once. Here are some quick tips for ways to build fluency in your classroom or home. 

Quick Fluency Tips

  • Turn on Close Captioning (CC) on every TV in your house. 

  • Play music on the TV with lyrics running on the screen. 

  • When reading with your child or students, select a short section of text and try this:  1) Child reads  2) Adult reads  3) Child reads again

Partner Reading Tips

Check out this two minute video from Lindsay. In the video, she shows how to correct errors when students are partner reading. It’s perfect for students to watch so they can error-correct as their partner reads aloud! 

Free Webinar

Check out this FREE webinar on Thursday about how you can tell if your child is actually a good reader or just faking it. Here is the registration link if you're interested. This is great for both educators and parents. See details below!

Community and Connection

Save the Date! 

Keep learning with Lindsay in her Rock Your Literacy Block session at The Reading League Symposium  on May 12, 2022. Registration is now open. 


Join our Facebook Group!

We’re excited to create a space for community discussion about our podcast! We want to connect with our listeners and support you in answering your questions. But we also realize there are lots of other educators out there who have great advice and experience, too. Let’s keep learning together in our Melissa and Lori Love Literacy Facebook Group. We’ll chat about the most recently released podcast every Friday. 

And, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Tim Rasinski

Related Episodes  

Episode 62: Effective Fluency Instruction with Tim Rasinski

We’re releasing this episode as a bonus this week because… well, fluency deserves to be HOT! (Thanks for this oldie but a goodie, Tim!)


Over 100 Episodes

Melissa & Lori have over 100 podcast episodes available now on your favorite streaming service. Listen now as they discuss new ways to think about teaching reading and writing with educators and experts in the field.