How can we support educators to consider all aspects of the Reading Rope?

September 30, 2021
How can we support educators to consider all aspects of the Reading Rope?

Hi Literacy Lovers,

We’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to spread the good word that knowledge-building is part of reading science. As we scroll through social media, we see posts that discuss the science of reading as teaching foundational skills (phonemic awareness and phonics). How can we support educators in considering all aspects of Scarborough’s Reading Rope as reading science? That’s top of mind today! We’d love to hear your thoughts. Email us at We’re so glad you’re here to learn with us!

Listen to this

In our recent podcast episode, Francine Grannell and John Lawrence, leaders from Skaneateles School District, share how they narrowed their focus to support teachers and students with year one Wit & Wisdom ELA implementation. District and school leaders provided wraparound strategic support for teachers. In turn, teachers felt more empowered to discuss deeper questions than ever before. 

Try this

We recognize that knowledge-building, complex texts include rich vocabulary! If you’re wondering how to identify high value, tier 2 academic words in any text, wonder no more! This incredibly cool resource from Student Achievement Partners Achieve the Core does it for you. This tool allows you to copy and paste text, choose a grade level, and voila! Tier 2 vocabulary at the ready. 

Click on this

Our Instagram post sums this up perfectly. Quote cred to Doug Lemov.

Nohere is this more obvious and more problematic than the subject of reading, which schools see as a set of transferable thinking skills that can be taught directly: I will teach students what an inference is, and this will allow them to make inferences about whatever text they read.In reality students make inferences when they can read fluently - at the speed of sight - and have the vocabulary and background knowledge to name what the author leaves unsaid.

Thanks for reading, Literacy Lovers! 

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